Title Insurance, Title Policy, and Owner's Title Insurance for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Nazareth, Lehigh Valley, PA & Surrounding Areas

Title Insurance to Protect Your Assets

Traditional Abstract can make sure your real estate title is protected with the proper research and unwriting to protect your assets. Title insurance is about eliminating risk and protecting your interests. While all paperwork and documentation is handled to the best ability of all parties, you can’t control what happened in the past during previous recording, transferring and other activities. These unknown inconsistencies are what you need to protect yourself, your interests, and your assets against. This is where title insurance comes into play. Protect your claim to your home against any title inconsistencies throughout the documented history of ownership of your property.

Eliminate Risk From Buying Property

Title insurance is required by the lender and it’s always a good idea for the buyer to have their own. Traditional Abstract Title Company can help buyers with the three basic types of title policy insurance:

couple using a Property title Search in Allentown

“Why do I need my own title insurance if the bank has one?”

The bank’s title insurance is to protect them, not you. Owner’s title insurance protects you if someone sues for a claim against the home from something that happened before you bought it. Let’s give three examples:

Real Estate Title Insurance

Traditional Abstract provides valuable solutions for all your real estate title policy needs. We have vast experience and expertise in the industry, and we’re licensedagents of Stewart Title, First American Title, and Fidelity National Title. And, we are still servicing our long-term customers of Advanced Abstract under the new Traditional Abstract. Call and let us know how Traditional Abstract Title Company can help you with your real estate title insurance in Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Lehigh Valley, Nazareth, and surrounding areas.